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The GRAF Framework

The Generic Resource Allocating Framework was born due to a work's project requeriment that later was discarded. I thought at that time that writing a generic framework for assigning task to resource was FUN!.

The main use of a resource allocation framework is to assign task to people or systems for consumptions. This allocation is based on a certain policy or a combination of policies. The GRAF framework attempts to reduce the code needed to implement a resource allocation framework.

Use the built in policies (the most common ones are provided, such as shortest queue, last case, etc.) or implement your own with a minimum of fuzz. The policies are configured in an external file so you can change them without touching the underlying code.

The project depends on the Spring Framework for bean and policy configuration.


You can contact me by email - diegonaya at speedy.com.ar



©2005 Diego Naya Argentina